Saturday, March 15, 2008

"Every time I tried to concentrate, my mind glided off, like a skater, into a large empty space, and pirouetted there, absently." (Chapter 12)

"I thought the most beautiful thing in the world must be shadow, the million moving shapes and cul-de-sacs of shadow. There was shadow in bureau drawers and closets and suitcases, and shadow under houses and trees and stones, and shadow at the back of people's eyes and smiles, and shadow, miles and miles and miles of it, on the night side of the earth." (Chapter 12)

I think that this two quotes basically summarized Esther's inner feeling. They are her thoughts or feelings when she is in depression.During chapter 9-13, Esther is in really deep depression. She never wants to do anything, she thinks that there's no point of doing them. For weeks, she didn't sleep, wash her hair or wash her clothes. She think that everyone else is "silly" because she thinks that there's no purpose of life; everyone dies at the end anyways. Esther start to try to kill herself, and she almost did. Her mom later on sent her to recieve lots of treatments. One of them is the shock treatment, which she especially hate. The thoughts and feeling in the book were so well written because the author went through all this in her life. It made the story more touching, sad and weird at the same time.


Nicole Seto said...

Love your layout and the bell jar fridge thing. Very cute. Anyway, I love the first quote. It's very true. I like how you relate the two quotes to your post. But for Esther to go that deep into depression is well kinda scary. So yeah. Nice entry.

nicoliesays said...

It's very sad how Esther feels the way she does. I think I heard somewhere that depressed people find comfort in inanimate things, and Esther probably feels that way about the shadows. I wonder why she thinking people are "silly" your responses to the book, make me want to read it now.

zoeRose said...

I love your fridge! I couldn't put the fridge on my blog but that's not the point right now. I love both quotes and I'm glad that you actually wrote the quotes. I find it funny that you would say that the story is touching, sad, and weird at the same time. If it's touching and sad... how is it weird? Just asking!

Annalise said...

I now want to read this book, i love those quotes! The writing style is amazing and the book seems really interesting. Those were the best quotes to choose, about her not being able to concentrate and then talking about her depression. Nice blog =)

Kittykat said...

First of all, Zhao I love your layout because it's black and pink and I think it totally relates to the book since you said Ester is in a deep depression. I think that book is really sad. I love the quotes on your page also.What made you want to read the book?

~Lauren~ said...

I love the fridge!! I think the author wrote the story based on herself.....except the author actually commited suicide. Maybe she created Esther to show and reflect how she felt.

Nous Mangerons said...

hmmmmn, so if she's depressed all of the time, what's going on in the story? only her depression? I like books like this. Tell me the end of it. OK =D

Nous Mangerons said...

Oh yeah! i really like your layout thingie. It's pretty and purple. =)

me_luvs_chocolate said...

Wow!!! That is so sad!!! I feel bad for Esther. She shouldn't be in depression like that... I was in depression once too because my dad's mom died a while ago. I was really upset.... :( * tear tear* Now I am okay,even though I still cry from time to time. I remember that you told me that the author eventually suicided. I feel so bad for her.