Saturday, May 17, 2008

The pictures made me feel sad, they reminds me of people leaving.
Here's a quote from the book:
“When the dead are done with the living, the living can go on to other things,“ Franny said. “What about the dead?“ I asked. “Where do we go?” (p. 145)

This quote is said by Fanny who try to help Susie find her heaven. Susie, however, cannot forget about Earth and cannot let her family go. She is unsure wnat to do or where she belongs.

There's alot of irony in the book. The events just happen the opposite way that you think it would.
In the beginning of the book, Mrs. Flanagan said to Mr.Harvey “What do you have in here? A dead body?”The dead body is really in there and the reader thinks that Mrs. Flanagan might find out but she didn't. After Susie die, she went to heaven. When you think of heaven, you think of a happy place, but in the book, her heaven was unhappy and lonely. Susie's dad went to the cornfield to kill who he think is Mr. Harvey but the ending came out just the opposite. Susie's dad was attacked instead... I think that the irony in the book made the story interesting:D


Neepsterz said...

Well, i never read this book and never read anything like it, however it sounds really cool because i never thought that heaven can be a sad and lonely place! Pretty interesting... I always thought that the living would be the ones sad...not the dead >~<" And the fact that you cant do anything while ur dead is a pain... well... nice book xD I'll consider reading it next... when or if i finish mine T_T