Saturday, April 12, 2008

I'm done with the book The Secret Life of Bees. I will not write a summary for this book on the blog because i think that it will just spoil it for anyone that will read it. However, i will say that the book had a happy ending. The main character Lily learned to forgive both her mom and herself and she lived happily ever after. The characters in the book confused me. So if you are planning to read this book, it would help you if you already know the characters... Making this character profile helps me understands the book myself. so enjoy~

Lily Melissa Owens

The main character in the book. She is 14 years old and lived alone with her cruel father and her housekeeper. Her mom died mysteriously and this book tells a story where she learns about her mom and herself.


She is the Owens family’s housekeeper. She is African American and is like a mother to Lily.

T. Ray Owens

T. Ray is Lily’s father. He is cruel and made Lily's life miserable. He never pays attention to Lily and hates everything she does. Yelling and disciplining Lily
harshly are the only two things that he ever does to her.

Deborah Owens

Deborah is Lily’s mother, she died when Lily was only four years old.

Mrs. Henry

Mrs. Henry is Lily’s teacher.

August Boatwright

August is the bee keeper that lives in a bright pink house. She is also the African American women that let Lily and Rosaleen stay in her house.

May Boatwright

May is August's sister. She is very emotional and suicide during the summer that Lily stayed with them.

June Boatwright

June is August's other sister.


Zach is an African American teen that works for August.


June married him after May died.

Queenie, Violet, Lunelle, Mabalee and Cressie

People that are part of the "Black Madonna" group and always come to August's house.

Otis and Sugar Girl

I do not know who they really are but i think that they are married to each other.


emily said...

Hi Zhao=]. you say this book has a happy ending? I prefer books that end on a high note. I'll definitely take this book into consideration for one the ones to read. I love your blog, its soo pretty! =]

zoeRose said...

I'm glad that you like the book even though the characters in the book confused you, It's a very good book isn't it? But there are an awful lot of characters in the book aren't there? Have you gotten a new book yet? I recommend "Echo" because I finished reading it and I'm not sure if you'll like it or not but I think you will since it also ends with a happy note. =]

me_luvs_chocolate said...

Hey Zhao~ I heard that this was such a good book from almost everybody who read it. I do not understand why you found it so boring. Oh well, not everyone could like the same thing right? Well, I'm sorry that you could not enjoy the book. I'll give you "Howl's Moving Castle" tomorrow:)I promise you that you will love that book. Oh, and if you're done with that, you should read "Tuesdays With Morrie"! It's such a good book.

emily said...

I wouldn't say Prep was a bad book, but in my opinion, it wasn't as interesting as I thought it would turn out to be. You should still read it though, maybe you'll find it more interesting.