Monday, April 21, 2008

Howl's Moving castle... Summary for the first 100 page :D
This story took place in Ingary, where magical things happen. Sophie the main character lives in the town of Market Chipping, Ingary and she is the oldest of the three. When her father died, her two younger sisters went out to seek their fortunes. However, Sophie was forced to stay and take care of the hat shop. On May day, Sophie went to visit her sister Lettie and on way she met Howl. Now the magical adventure began... When Sophie was back in the hat shop later that day, the Witch of the Waste came to the shop. She came to buy a bonnet but was very not pleased, so she turned Sophie into an old lady. Sophie do not want her family to see her like that, so she decide to leave. She must seek her own fortune. She walked for a long time until she saw the moving castle. She got in and fell asleep instantly because she was soo tired. She met a blue fire demon, which was really cute in my mind, not scary at all... Sophie stayed in the castle as a cleaning lady and kept herself busy all the time. This is a really good book, it's really interesting:D