Saturday, May 31, 2008

I'm now reading the book Tuesdays with Morrie. It is written by Mitch Albom. The author lives in Michigan with his wife and had published seven books in total. He is also a sport colimnist and served on many charitable boards. The reason i'm reading this book is because Stephanie recommended to me. It have 192 pages, so hopefully, i'll finish it in 2 weeks.

I read the first 100 pages of the book and it's really sad. The professor was going to die but he still lived his life to the fullest. From the book,I learned a lot about death and the importance of life. I will remember to live my life to the best of my ability. Everyone should enjoy their life.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

This is a picture of icicles!!!! In my life it is just frozen water that i like to play with but in the book it have more meaning than that. To Susie, icicles means a softer way to die. For Mr. Harvey, it means death. He died from icicles!! That very weird to me. I didn't know you could die from it. What happen is that, he was talking to some girl and when the girl left. An icicle just suddenly and mysteriously break off and hit him. Then he died. It sounds very not realistic. well, at lease to me.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The pictures made me feel sad, they reminds me of people leaving.
Here's a quote from the book:
“When the dead are done with the living, the living can go on to other things,“ Franny said. “What about the dead?“ I asked. “Where do we go?” (p. 145)

This quote is said by Fanny who try to help Susie find her heaven. Susie, however, cannot forget about Earth and cannot let her family go. She is unsure wnat to do or where she belongs.

There's alot of irony in the book. The events just happen the opposite way that you think it would.
In the beginning of the book, Mrs. Flanagan said to Mr.Harvey “What do you have in here? A dead body?”The dead body is really in there and the reader thinks that Mrs. Flanagan might find out but she didn't. After Susie die, she went to heaven. When you think of heaven, you think of a happy place, but in the book, her heaven was unhappy and lonely. Susie's dad went to the cornfield to kill who he think is Mr. Harvey but the ending came out just the opposite. Susie's dad was attacked instead... I think that the irony in the book made the story interesting:D

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The book The Lovely Bones is about a fourteen years old girl name Susie Salmon. She is murdered by her neighbor, Mr. Harvey in Pennsylvania. After that, she went to heaven and she watches her family's reactions about her own murder. Her dad suspects Mr. Harvey but there was no evidence, so the police can not do anything. Susie did not let her family go, she followed them everywhere and her family can sometimes even see her.
I like how this book is written. The point of view is really different from other books. The narrator is both a character and someone dead. Susie is fond everywhere in the book, some parts of the story is from the past, while others are in the present. The language used in the book is very emotional. It feels really casual, nothings seems formal. There's always thoughts and memories which made the book really easy to relate and understand.

Friday, May 2, 2008

I'm done with the book Howl's Moving Castle, so i decide to read The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. I decide to read it because many people were reading it and i just simply found it in the library. Alice Sebold lives in California. Her husband Glen David Gold is also a writer. Besides this book, she also wrote a memoir and the title is Lucky. The book have 328 pages, so it will take me about 3 weeks.

Little Saucepan:D
Mary-Ann has hurt her finger,
And Dafydd the servant is not well.
The baby in the cradle is crying,
And the cat has scratched little Johnny.
A little saucepan is boiling on the fire,
A big saucepan is boiling on the floor,
And the cat has scratched little Johnny.
Little Dai the soldier,
Little Dai the soldier,
Little Dai the soldier,
And his shirt tail is hanging out.
Mary-Ann's finger has got better,
And Dafydd the servant is in his grave;
The baby in the cradle has grown up,
And the cat is 'asleep in peace'.
A little saucepan is boiling on the fire,
A big saucepan is boiling on the floor,
And the cat is 'asleep in peace'.
This is the song that Calcifer sang to Sophie in chapter three of Howls Moving Castle. It made Sophie to fall asleep. She do not remember the song except the words "Little saucepan". To me the song just does not make sense. :( In the book Calcifer is a evil fire demon. "thin blue face, very long and thin, with a thin blue nose and curly green flames as hair." However, he is so adorable in the movie, he is tiny and shaped like an teardrop. He is my favorite character for the movie. :D

Sunday, April 27, 2008

This a really nice video i found on youtube, so enjoy:D
The book and the movie are so different:(
I like the video a little bit better because it's easier to understand and because i saw it first. I like moving castle and find the door pretty amazing. It can open on four different locations. The locations are determined by which color is turned facing down when opening the door. For the first half of the book; which is before howl moved and changed the castle the doors opens on the following location:
Blue: Porthaven A seaside town where the real castle is situated. Blue for the sea!
Red: Kingsbury The capital and the home of the King. Red for royalty.
Green: The moving castle!!! Always moving on the hill above Market Chipping. Green for grass!!!
Black: Wales Howl's sister Megan's front drive. A weird mysterious place... Black for darkness...